A.I. experiences and services are growing at a rapid rate, how could Logitech leverage the technology and showcase the benefits to our customers in a working environment?
App Design
Component Creation
8 Weeks
The Challenge
During the discovery phase the biggest pain points we heard were; 'What are prompts?' 'What can I do with it?' 'How can I fit it into my workflow ?' There was a clear interest from consumers to use generative A.I. but few knew where to start.
The Solution
By creating a set of ‘recipes’ (templates) we reduced the learning curve for new users. We simplified the flow by automating repetitive actions like copying and pasting text, and kept people focused by creating a tool that would appear only when needed. The user only had to think about the outcome they wanted; rephrase, summarise, text reply or create an email.
The Result
The result was a lightweight overlay that could be summoned at the push of a button, keeping the focus on the task at hand. No need to navigate to any other application or window, simply highlight some text, open the overlay and choose which action you want to perform. Try it for yourself, and let me know what you think. Available as part of the Logi Options+ application for PC and Mac.